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The DEC PDP-x FPGA Implementation Webpage
Last Updated: 2023-02-19
Latest News!
- (2023-02-19) Added entry for CPU11, which emulates Soviet PDP-11 clone processors.
- (2021-06-26) Added entry for PDP-11 in Verilog, and updated a couple links.
- (2017-10-11) Starting to update the webpages after a decade long haitus, additionally the webpages just moved from the homedirectory at my old ISP, to a server of mine.
- (2011-11-17) Links on this webpage updated.
- (2006-01-22) Links on this webpage updated.
- (2005-03-04) A Univerisity in Japan has done PDP-11 and VAX-11/780 implementations
- (2003-01-06) There is now a webpage on both commercial and hobbyist FPGA implementations of DEC Processors
The Processor Families
- PDP-4
- David G. Conroy's FPGA Replica of the PDP-4
- PDP-8
- David G. Conroy's FPGA Replica of the PDP-8
- A page on Jon Andrew's FPGA implementation of the PDP-8
- Andrew Grillet is working on another FPGA implementation of the PDP-8, and is planning to also provide a bus of some sort so boards can be plugged in (most likely not OMNIBUS from the sounds of things).
(Dead Link)
- Scalar FPGA PDP-8/I in Verilog Booting TSS/8
- PDP-10
- XKL, LLC's XKL-1 is built using FPGA's
- Neil Franklin was working on a PDP-10 Clone Microprocessor in FPGA (he stopped working on it at the end of 2003).
- David G. Conroy is working on a FPGA replica of the KA-10, called the PDP-10/X, it is designed to run ITS.
- PDP-11
- Mentec Inc. used FPGA's for their M1 and M11 Q-Bus processor boards. These are drop in replacements for DEC CPU Boards.
- Quickware QED995 (Anyone have any info on this board?)
This was a drop in replacement for DEC CPU Boards.
- Strobe Data used FPGA's on thier Osprey Co-Processor boards (these boards fit in an ISA or PCI slot and act as a PDP-11).
- Tokai University has implemented a PDP-11/10 and PDP-11/40 in FPGA. It includes an EIDE disk interface, and they have run Unix V6 on it.
- Scalar FPGA PDP-11 in Verilog
- Walter F.J. Mueller "PDP-11/70-in-an-FPGA" implementation is now on OpenCores
- There is a sourceforge project named "PDP-11 FPGA", and I'm told all the text is in Russian.
- PDP2011 page
- wfjm's w11: PDP-11/70 CPU and SoC
was last updated in June 2017, and looks to be the most active FPGA project at this time.
- Scalar FPGA PDP-11 in Verilog
- CPU11 is an interesting looking project out of Kyiv, around the Soviet PDP-11 Clones.
- Tokai University has announced that they have a VAX-11/780 FPGA implementation.
(Dead Link)
- RT Logic is re-implementing VAX computer systems in FPGA for Hewlett
Packard. (Dead Link)
Related FPGA Links
- XILINX manufactures FPGA's
- Altera also manufactures FPGA's
- Prehistoric CPU's, Open Source 12/24 bit Octal Controllers
- - FPGA CPU News
- XESS Corporation sells FPGA boards
- BurchED sells an interesting FPGA board with add-ons
- The CPU Design HOW-TO
- The Xilinix on Linux website has some dated info about running FPGA design tools on Linux.
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