Zane's Photographs

Portland Area Locomotives

The following web gallery catalogues my ongoing attempts to photograph as many of the Locomotives used locally as possible.

A closeup of the nose of LLW 4433, an EMD SD9E. Still bearing the remains of an aged "Bloody Nose" SP paint job this Locomotive has a lot of charcter. It might be battered, and rusty, yet it still gets the job done, as it has for 53 years now. The PNWR leases the engine from the Lavacot Locomotive Works.
Common Photo Settings: 1/60 sec at f / 5.3, ISO 400, 95 mm (18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6)
Cropped: 3008 x 2000
Flash: Did not fire
Camera: NIKON D70
Zane H. Healy