This page last updated on 22JUN98.
- Date Introduced: ?
- Original Cost: ?
- Date Discontinued: ?
- Base Memory: ?
- Offline Storage: Hard Disk, and 5.25"
or 8" Floppy Disk
- Display: None, it uses terminals such as
the VT100
- Processor: PDP-11/73
- I have two of them, both in identical 19" rack mounts, the only
differences are one has a 5.25" floppy drive, the other a 8"
floppy drive. Both came with PDP-11/73 processor cards, and 256KW of RAM.
- I've taken one of them and added 2MW RAM, a RL-02 controller with a
single drive, and TK-50 tape drive. Unfortunatly the SMS-1000 has a very
limited boot ROM, and I have to boot it by sending the bootstrap over the
serial line connecting the console to it. I'm currently using a 486 running
TELIX for a console.