The Men in Red

A Organization for Champions

Last updated 08DEC96

When the first Super-Heroes appeared not everybody was happy. There were those who foresaw that where there were Heroes there couldn't help but be Villains. While most that fall into this category are willing to except the Good, some are not. This is where the Men in Red come in.

The Founding

The Men in Red had there beginnings in the original Senate Sub-Committee that was formed to look into the sudden appearance of Super-Heroes. Out of this a hidden Agency was formed within the Government. As time has passed fewer, and fewer people in the Government have know of it's existence.

How does something like this get funded you might ask? The same way that things like this always seem to be funded, by the careful funneling of money from legitiment sources.


Most members of the Organization are ex-Special Forces. The Men in Red pick only the most fanatically loyal of these people. They are well trained and totally dedicated to what they are doing.


In a word Super-Science. For several decades now they have been recruiting the best and brightest scientists. It is unknown where they are working, but what is know is that the equipment that they have created is more like something out of Science Fiction than Science reality.

Their Security Forces always wear one of the following Power Suits, which will contain one of the weapons from the Weapons Loadouts table. Depending on the weapon loadout the point cost for one of these suits is 263 to 268 points.


OIF, 1 Charge, 1 Hour
+5 STR 2pts
+27 DEX 40pts
+5 CON 5pts
+5 BODY 5pts
Secret ID 15pts
Superpatriot 20pts
Always Obeys Superiors 15pts
Overconfidence 15pts
Armor, Hardened, OIF, PD 30 37pts
Armor, Hardened, OIF, ED 30 37pts
Teleport 13", OIF 13pts
UV Vision 3pts
IR Vision or Mental Awareness 3pts
+3 OCV with Weapon 6pts

Weapons Loadouts    
Cost Power Charges Type
50 15D6 Explosion 8 OIF
50 15D6 Energy Blast 16 OIF
52 7D6 RKA 8 OIF
47 13" Darkness 4 OIF
50 Time Jump 3 OIF