Traveller Bibliography

Book 0: An Introduction to Traveller
Book 1: Characters and Combat
Book 2: Starships
Book 3: Worlds and Adventures
Book 4: Mercenary
Book 5: High Guard
Book 6: Scouts
Book 7: Merchant Prince
Book 8: Robots
Starter Edition: Rules Booklet
Starter Edition: Charts and Tables
Deluxe Starter Traveller
The Traveller Book, Vol 1 (Softback)
The Traveller Book, Vol 1 (Hardback)
The Traveller Adventure, Vol 2 (Softback)
Supplement 1, 1001 Characters
Supplement 2, Animal Encounters
Supplement 3, The Spinward Marches
Supplement 4, Citizens of the Imperium
Supplement 5, Lighting Class Cruisers (Only available in Azhanti High Lighting Boxed set)
Supplement 6, 76 Patrons
Supplement 7, Traders and Gunboats
Supplement 8, Library Data (A - M)
Supplement 9, Fighting Ships
Supplement 10, The Solomani Rim
Supplement 11, Library Data (N - Z)
Supplement 12, Forms and Charts
Supplement 13, Veterans
Mini-Supplement 1, Merchant Prince (Available in JTAS 12)
Special Supplement 2: Exotic Atmospheres (Available in JTAS #17 and separately?)
Special Supplement 3: Missles
Adventure 0, The Imperial Fringe
Adventure 1, The Kinunir
Adventure 2, Research Station Gamma
Adventure 3, Twilights Peak
Adventure 4, Leviathan
Adventure 5, Trillion Credit Squadron
Adventure 6, Expedition to Zhodane
Adventure 7, Broadsword
Adventure 8, Prison Planet
Adventure 9, Nomads of the World-Ocean
Adventure 10, Safari Ship
Adventure 11, Murder on Arcturus Station
Adventure 12, Secret of the Ancients
Adventure 13, Signal GK
Double Adventure 1, Shadows / Annic Nova
Double Adventure 2, Bright Face / Mission on Mithril
Double Adventure 3, Argon Gambit / Death Station
Double Adventure 4, Marooned/ Marooned Alone
Double Adventure 5, Chamax Plague / Horde
Double Adventure 6, Divine Intervention / Night of Conquest
Aliens for Traveller Draft Material (8 page pamphlet from 1981, it was
material being prepared for Traveller Book 6, Aliens ! Each of the six races
has a page dedicated to it; Humans, Aslan, Centaurs, Vargr, Droyne, and The
Hive. )
Understanding Traveller
Beowulf Traveller Poster
Vargr Traveller Poster
Imperium Map Poster
Spinward Marches Map
Memory Alpha (Tournament)
For Use with Traveller Sticker
Come Visit My Universe
Traveller Alien Module 1, Aslan
Traveller Alien Module 2, K'Kree
Traveller Alien Module 3, Vargr
Traveller Alien Module 4, Zhodani
Traveller Alien Module 5, Droyne
Traveller Alien Module 6, Solomani
Traveller Alien Module 7, Hivers
Traveller Alien Module 8, Darrians
Traveller Alien Realms - Eight Excursions Beyond Human Space
The Spinward Marches Campaign
Tarsus (Boxed)
Beltstrike (Boxed)
The Atlas of the Imperium
the Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society -- issues 1 - 24
The Best of the Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society -- Volume 1, 2, 3, 4
Challenge -- issues 25 - present (77)
Game 1, Mayday
Game 2, Snapshot
Game 3, Azhanti High Lighting
Game 4, Fifth Frontier War
Game 5, Invasion: Earth
Boxed Set:
Player's Manual
Referee's Manual
Imperial Encyclopedia
Rebellion Sourcebook
Referee's Companion
Fighting Ships of the Shattered Imperium
Hard Times
Assignment: Vigilante
Astrogators Guide to the Diaspora Sector
Arrival Vengence the final odyssey
Traveller: The New Era
Traveller: The New Era RPG
Survival Margin
Deluxe Traveller the New Era (Boxed Set)
Traveller: The New Era RPG
Fire, Fusion and Steel
Brilliant Lances
Fire, Fusion and Steel
Smash & Grab
Traveller Player's Forms
Traveller Referee Screen
Battle Rider
Path of Tears: The Star Viking Sourcebook
Reformation Coalition Equipment Guide
World Tamer's Handbook
Vampire Fleets
Regency Sourcebook
Star Vikings
Aliens of the Rim:Hivers and Ithklur
*G-Shooters (Never Released released)
Striker II
Judges Guild
Supplement 75 Traveller Referee Screen 1979
Supplement 78 The Traveller Logbook 1979
Supplement 89 Starships & Spacecraft 1979
Adventure 105 Dra'k'ne Station 1979
Adventure 330 Tancred 1980
Supplement 340 Ley Sector 1980
Adventure 350 Darthanon Queen 1980
Supplement 360 Laser Tank 1980
Forms 410 The Astrogator's Chartbook 1980
Supplement 480 Fifty Starbases 1981
Supplement 490 Glimmerdrift Reaches 1981
Adventure 500 Doom of the Singing Star 1981
Forms 520 Navigator's Starcharts 1981
Adventure 710 Amycus Probe 1981
Adventure 720 Rogue Moon of Spinstorme 1981
Supplement 760 Maranantha - Alkahest Sector 1981
Supplement 880 Corsairs of the Turku Waste 1982
Adventure 960 Darkling Ship 1982
Adventure 940 Waspwinter 1981
Adventure ??? Simba Safari 1981
Supplement 740 Port O' Call: Tarlkin's Landing 1981
Crucis Margin
Maranantha - Alkahest Sector
Gamelords, Ltd.
The Undersea Environment
The Drenslaar Quest
The Mountan Environment
Ascent to Anekthor
The Desert Environment
LEE'S GUIDE to Interstellar Adventure, Volume 1
A Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector
Wanted: Adventurers
Startown Liberty
A Pilot's Guide to the Caledon Subsector (No Such Item ???)
Ordeal by Eshaar
Action Aboard
Legend of the Sky Raiders
Trail of the Sky Raiders
Fate of the Sky Raiders
Rescue on Gatatea
Stazhlekh Report/The Harrensa Project
Uraqyadin of 7 Pillars
FCI Consumer Guide
Starport Module 1 - Hotel Complex
ISPMV: Fenris
SPV: Valkyrie
ISCV: King Richard
ISPMV: Tetkys
ISCV: Lernder
Zismv: Vlezhdatl
Adventure Class Ships, Vol. 1
Adventure Class Starships, Vol II
Merchant Class Ships
Aslan Mercenary Cruisers
The Imperial Data Recovery System (For the Apple II)
High Passage -- issues 1 - 5
Far Traveller -- issues 1, 2
Martian Metals
2001 Adventurers No. 1
2002 Adventurers No. 2
2003 Thugs & Ruffians
2004 Aliens
2005 Imperial Marines (TL 13-15)
2006 Imperial Marines (TL 10-12)
2007 Troopers (TL 8-10)
2008 Robots
2009 Vargr (TL 8-10)
2010 Citizens
2011 Mercenaries
2012 Patrons
2013 Zhodani
Aslan (15mm/12 figs)
Droyne " "
K'Kree (15mm/3 figs)
Mercenary and Marines
Marischal Adventures
Flight of the Stag
Salvage Mission
Trading Team
Group One
Supplement ??? Encounters in the Phoenix Quadrant 1980
Supplement ??? Encounters in the Corelian Quadrant 1980
Supplement ??? Encounters inthe Ventura Quadrant 1980
Adventure ??? Mission to Zephor 1980
Supplement ??? Pen-Latol's World 1980
Adventure ??? Geptorem 1981
Supplement ??? Hydronant 1981
Adventure ??? Lamoda Iva 1981
Supplement ??? Marinagua 1981
Supplement ??? Nithus 1981
Supplement ??? Nystalux 1981
Adventure ??? Port Xanatuth 1981
Supplement ??? Sapies 1981
Supplement ??? Theta Borealis Sector 1981
Supplement ??? Wabor-Parn 1981
Paranoia Press
Supplement 01001 Scouts & Assassins 1980
Supplement 01001 Scouts & Assassins 1981
Supplement 01002 Merchants & Merchandise 1981
Supplement 01003 Vanguard Reaches 1981
Supplement 01004 Beyond 1981
Supplement 01005 SORAG 1981
Supplement 01006 Aliens & Artifacts 1981?
Supplement 03101 Ryker's Catalog of Arms Vol. 1, Nr. 1 1981?
Forms 02102 Planetary Data Sheet ????
Forms 02201 Ship's Papers / Ship's Design Worksheet ????
Forms 02202 System Data Sheet ????
Forms 02401 Personal Data Sheet ????
Forms ????? Starship Logs 1980
Beyond Vanguard Reaches
Sage Lore Productions
Travellers: The MegaTraveller Players Survival Kit
Steve Jackson Games
Cardbrd Heroes ??? Traveller Set 1: Soldiers of Fortune ????
Cardbrd Heroes ??? Traveller Set 2: Imperial Marines ????
Cardbrd Heroes ??? Traveller Set 3: Zhodani ????
Robert W. Warfield
Adventure ??? Evening Star 1979
Baron Publications
Forms ??? Imperial Form 1 1981
Ad Astra Products
Forms ??? World Displays 1981
Chuck Kallenbach II
Forms ??? Ships Papers 1980
Forms ??? Personal Data Sheets 1980
Forms ??? Star Ship Log 1980
Forms ??? System Data Sheet 1980
Games Workshop
Starship Lay-Out Sheets
Personal Data Files
IISS Ship Files
White Dwarf -- 17,31,33-39,42,43,45-47,59,61,62
Best80) Expanding Universe: additional rules
Best83) Backdrop of the Stars: setting up Traveller Campaigns
Best83) The Best of Starbase: suggestions from the Traveller column
Best83) Star Patrol...: Scout Service in Traveller
Best83) The Ship's Library: more Starbase thoughts for Traveller
Best83) The Self-Made Traveller: optional skill acquisition
Best83) The Mudskipper, a multi-terrain vehicle: Traveller ship
GGG1) Traveller: a guide to this SF RPG
Best86) Worldly Power: additional government types for Traveller
Best86) Additional Detector Systems for Traveller Starships
Best86) Standby to Repel Boarders: Starship Security in Traveller
#9) The Experienced Traveller: new skills
#11) Fire-Arms: 3000AD: weapons additions
#13) Expanding Universe: additions to Traveller rules part 1
#14) Expanding Universe: additions to Traveller rules part 2
#15) Expanding Universe: additions to Traveller rules part 3
#16) Expanding Universe: additions to Traveller rules part 4
#17) The Sable Rose Affair: scenario
#19) Criminals: an additional livelihood for Travellers
#20) Star Patrol: Scout Service in Traveller
#20) Setting up Traveller Campaigns
#21) The Lift: some new ideas for Traveller
#22) Robe and Blaster: Upgrading Aristocracy in Traveller
#22) Port Facilities
#23) Khazad-Class Seeker Starship
#24) Setting up Traveller Campaigns: Backdrop of Stars
#25) The Self-Made Traveller: Optional Skill Acquisition
#25) Blowout: Vacc Suits in Traveller
#25) The Ship's Library: new ideas
#26) Jump Drive Problems
#26) Amber to Red: scenario
#27) The Imperial Secret Service
#27) On the Cards: reference system for weapons
#28) Sorry: short Traveller scenario
#28) On Target: critical hit system
#29) The Mudskipper: a multi-terrain vehicle
#29) Weed War: Dinorian; a scenario
#30) Androids in Traveller
#30) Ideas for Traveller
#31) Prior Service in Traveller: alternative character generation
#31) Additional Detector Systems for Traveller Starships
#32) STL: Slower than Light Ships
#32) Striker: Design of Civilian Vehicles
#33) Weapons for Traveller
#33) Guns for Sale: buying weapons in Traveller
#34) Droids: Robots for Traveller
#34) Morality in Traveller
#35) We Have a referee Malfunction: tips for refereeing
#35) Green Horizon: scenario
#36) An Introduction to Traveller Part 1
#37) An Introduction to Traveller: Part 2: Refereeing
#37) Starbase: new vehicles
#38) An Introduction to Traveller: Part 3: Scenarios
#39) An Introduction to Traveller: Part 4: Campaigns
#39) Stand by to repel boarders: starship security
#40) Explorer Class Scoutships
#41) The Snowbird Mystery: scenario
#41) The covert Survey Bureau: imperial intelligence agency
#42) catch a thief: Crime Prevention
#42) Careers in Traveller: basic program
#43) Vehicle Combat
#43) Happy Landings: Starport Design in Traveller
#44) Interstellar Charter Enterprises: an organisation for campaigns
#45) Gateway to Adventure: an introduction to Traveller scenarios
#46) Worldy Power: additional government types
#47) Aliens: new monsters
#48) Database: Computers in Traveller
#49) Shuttle Scuttle: a Traveller scenario for two opposing groups
#49) A Fleeting Encounter: Book 2 Fleets
#50) A Few Small Formalities: Red Tape in Traveller
#51) Extending UPPs for NPCs
#52) To Live Forever: immortallity in Traveller
#53) Three of a Kind: NPCs for Traveller
#55) The Edge of Infinity: Universes in Traveller
#56) Plying the Spacelanes: ship encounters in Traveller
#57) Skyrig: Traveller scenario
#57) The Staurni: an alien race for Traveller
#58) For a Few Credits More: money in Traveller
#59) CORE: Consulary Office of Reconnaisance and Exploration
#61) The Motivated Traveller: column for Traveller
#62) An Alien Werewolf in London: Traveller scenario
#63) Arms and the man: How to kill vehicles
#63) Imperial Trooper: new characters
#65) Smile Please: a unique Traveller adventure
#65) The Other Imperium: Civilian Organisations in Traveller
#67) Worldy Wiles: social customs in Traveller
#68) Lone Dragon: a Traveller scenario
#69) Battle Stations: ship combat damage
#70) Dead or Alive: The Bounty Hunter career in Traveller
#71) Avionics Failures: Traveller space problems
#71) Tower Trouble: Traveller scenario
#73) 3-D Space: Traveller discussion of space
#75) Mass Media: communication in Traveller
#82) Mercy Mission: Traveller adventure

Citadel Miniatures

The Military
Ship's Crew
Grenadier Models
The Adjutant
Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair Sub-Sector -- RM-90-01 Air Cushion
Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair Sub-Sector -- RM-90-02 Rotary and Fixed Wing Aircraft
Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair Sub-Sector -- RM-90-03 Tracked Vehicles
Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair Sub-Sector -- RM-90-04 Wheeled Vehicles
Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair Sub-Sector -- RM-90-05 Grav Vehicles
Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair Sub-Sector -- RM-90-06 Waterborne Vehicles
Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair Sub-Sector -- RM-90-07 Orbatal Assault & Landing Vehicles
Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair Sub-Sector -- RM-90-08 Exotic Vehicles
Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair Sub-Sector -- RM-90-09 Infantry Weapons
Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair Sub-Sector -- RM-90-10 Wheeled, Combat
Chaosium, Inc.
Different Worlds -- 11
StarLance Publications
Voyages SF -- 13
Futura Communications
The Space Gamer -- 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 72
Space Gamer / Fantasy Gamer -- 82, 85
Digest Group Publications
Grand Census
Grand Survey
World Builder's Handbook
Referee's Gaming Kit
Starship Operator's Manual
101 Vehicles
Vilani and Vargr
Solomani and Aslan
Flaming Eye
The Travellers' Digest -- issues 1 - 21
The Early Adventures (reprints Scenerios from Travellers' Digest 1-4)
The MegaTraveller Journal -- 1- 4
Sword of the Knight Publications
The Traveller Chronicle -- issues 1 - present (10)